
Thursday, March 19, 2015

DIY Polka Dot Copper Tape Planter

I’ve gone planter crazy lately so I’ve been looking for creative DIY planter projects to share here on D*S. Thankfully a great one landed in my inbox a few weeks above from D*S reader Tempest of Ellomennopee. Tempest is an electrical engineer, so she works with copper tape on a regular basis. It’s a great material because not only is it cute and shiny, but it repels snails! So Tempest decided to make polka dots from copper tape using a punch. The self-adhesive tape attaches to the outside of the pot and looks just like paint. It’s a quick and easy how-to that’s perfect for after work – and getting you outside in the yard for a bit. Thanks so much to Tempest for sharing this with us! xo, grace
The full how-to continues after the jump…

-self-adhesive copper tape
-hole punch
-plain vase
1. Remove the floor of your punch over a bin and clear out any waste confetti pieces
2. Punch holes in the copper tape and save the dots
3. Stick the dots to your vase. Try to make them evenly spaced out and start off sparse and build up to a higher density.

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